Monday, October 26, 2009

Listen To Your Mother

OK, no Martha Stewart moments today. I’ll forego the beautiful picture for a simple illustration of Paula’s ‘Cure All Tea’. I live on this stuff when the weather really gets cold. Tonight ‘Cure All’ made an early appearance, as did Sylvia. Sylvia is home from her program. Why? Here’s my very unbiased opinion. Too little sleep and too much macaroni and cheese. Oh... and not enough fluids. There you have it. My mission in a tea cup. Tomorrow Sylvia is going to learn how to steam some broccoli and make this tea. It’s a start. Here’s the recipe:


Lemon Quarter
Cayenne Pepper
Boiling water


Over a large cup, squeeze lemon quarter and place it in cup
Shake some cayenne in cup
Add a bit of honey (optional)
Pour boiling water over all

Drink! Then go find something fresh to eat... a piece of fruit or anything that doesn't have a laundry list of ingredients.

Oh, and don’t forget to exercise and call your mother!


  1. I use an alternate version of this sort of recipe when I'm sick: start with grated fresh ginger root, boil in water for a couple minutes, add cayenne, take off heat, add a couple mashed cloves of garlic, honey, lemon juice... Let sit for a few minutes, then strain, and drink.

    Not exactly my ideal-tasting beverage, but it works!

  2. Thanks Carl,
    We'll certainly give this a try. Sounds serious!
    Best, Paula
