Saturday, November 7, 2009

Advanced Garlic

Let’s review: (When it comes to something as essential and delightful as garlic, it’s important that we know our stuff!)

Garlic 101: Choose firm heavy cloves that are not sprouting.

Garlic Practical: See entry ‘Remove Your Coat’

And today’s lesson:

Advanced Garlic: A truly fresh clove will be juicy and white on the inside. This is the ideal. When there is a little green sprout, no need to panic. You can choose to do nothing, or (if you are feeling fancy) remove the slightly harsh tasting intrusion with the tip of your paring knife. That’s it!

I’m sure you passed.

Here’s a recipe for Roasted Garlic.
Roasted garlic is delicious on crackers or bread and useful for flavoring soups, stews, mashed potatoes or salad dressings.

1 comment:

  1. All meals are rich in vitamin a garlic flavor and adds a natural antibiotic and he is good in my swine flu
