Sunday, March 21, 2010

Something New: Ugli Edition

With a face that only a mother could love, let me introduce you to (and I’m not kidding) the Ugli Fruit. Actually, this is my introduction too. An early trip to the Food Coop (an activity not for the faint of heart given how crowded it can get on a Sunday) got me thinking of the blog and how last time I wrote I encouraged you to learn something new. So, I plucked up my courage and the most unusual thing I could find. Here’s what I’ve learned so far…

For starters, this cross between a grapefruit, orange and tangerine, is also known as a Jamaican Tangelo. A little more reading on Wikipedia informed me that this particular fruit is not yet ready to eat. In the Coop I had picked the bright green fruit that had fewer blemishes than it’s companions and seemed firmer. Well, if I had been this fruits’ mother, I would have known to pick one of the orange colored fruits, which is what an Ugli Fruit looks like when it’s ripe. I’ll photograph this again when it’s ready to eat and we can all have our Ugli Edition 'learn-something-new-everyday' moment together.


  1. Paula,

    The Magician and I are moving to Peekskill, NY. Years ago, to revitalize the town, the powers to be figured out that by making the town "artist-friendly" they could inject new life into a moribund city. It worked. Around 80 artists now live in specially-designated lofts.

    Beginning in June, Margaret and I will be among them. The first floor of our loft is a gallery/performance space/ Acupuncture office/Magic performance space (weekend children's shows).

    I have the Epson 4880 printer- highest quality they make, printing up to 17"x Whatever. I'd love to represent the Paula Hible fine-art print collection.

    The space is spectacular. And the owners, artists themselves, are giving us their 2,800 person mailing list, made from visitors to (and buyers from) their gallery. People travel miles to Peekskill, as it has become known for its wide variety of art.

    If you're interested in showing in our space, please let me know. Although we're moving at the beginning of June, we will be participating in Peekskill's open studio that weekend. W'e love you to visit then, with Sylvia, to see the space, and experience Margaret's magic.

    Bring some files and we can do some test prints- getting them to your specifications, and have your work ready to show ASAP.

    Let me know.

    A hug to you and Sylvia,

  2. What is an ugli fruit like you doing in a pretty blog like this?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    I can't wait for the "after" picture.


  3. Welcome to the land of BLOG! Thanks Gerald. I hope that you will be a frequent commentator.

    Best, Paula
