Monday, March 8, 2010

How Crud-ité!: Simple Yogurt Dip

Didn’t mean to leave you hanging in dip suspense. Here’s a simple recipe for a Yogurt Dip that will turn all your bite sized raw vegetables into Crudités (from the Latin word ‘crudus’ which means raw). Great party food for any night!

In a bowl, combine:

1 cup of plain yogurt (unsweetened, unflavored and preferably without gelatin or pectin)
1 garlic clove either minced or put through a garlic press
a dash of lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste

If you are feeling ambitious add chopped onion, parsley and or chili powder… experiment! Refrigerate if you are not using it right away. Best the same day.

Note: Don’t forget to wash your veg in cold water before preparing. Vegetables very at home with dip are carrots, celery, bell pepper strips, broccoli, asparagus and our current star, cauliflower.


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