Although this is the first recipe that I put together for New Kitchen Primer, this is the maiden blog voyage of Basic Tomato Sauce. This recipe will rescue you from take out (you can save up for Mother's Day), impress a last minute dinner guest (oh.. it’s nothing, I’ll whip something up), or be there for you when you just don’t know what you want and it’s been a long day (almost forgot! I have sauce in the freezer!).
Cooking tomato sauce will grace your home with the scent of garlic and good meals to come. Extra sauce will be gold in the freezer. Pasta dishes and pizza (remember the flat bread recipe?) can be put together in a flash if you have sauce on hand.
Follow the above link for a recipe download. Today’s illustration shows you the necessary ingredients. These boxed Italian tomatoes are easy to use and comprised of a single ingredient, ‘tomatoes’, get the Food Police stamp of approval. I bought a box of strained tomatoes for today. Smooth in consistency, they will not need anything other than garlic and oil to transform into sauce. Pomi, the brand I prefer, also sells ‘chopped tomatoes’. If you want more texture, try the chunky version.
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