Let me guess. You thought that we would be finished with something as fundamental as boiling an egg? Wrong! After yesterday’s blog, you have the information you need to cook an egg without spending money on gadgets.
That said, the gadget in today’s photo is a really simple way to judge how your eggs are cooking. If don’t have one, you may want to take a trip to the local kitchen shop. I think that this ‘Egg-Per’Fect Egg Timer’ thing is pretty cool. You simply put it in the pan at the same time as your eggs and judge how they are doing by where the dark circle is on the indicated lines. Remarkably straight forward.
You can still refer to yesterday’s blog about how to peel an egg, but I wanted to tell you a method that Cathy taught me this morning that also works. By swirling at least 2 eggs in the pan (after they have cooked and without the water) the eggs bump against one another and the sides of the pan. After a while the shell is so finely cracked that the peel comes off with very little effort. Now that’s a-peeling! (sorry, couldn’t resist)
You are close to eggs-pert! (sorry, couldn’t resist that one either!)
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