Here’s another addition to the annals of weird fruit. Well, weird to us. My guess is that this tropical fruit might be standard fare if you lived near it's rainforest origins in Mexico or Panama. This particular fruit (the one in the photograph) was purchased at the Food Coop earlier today and was grown in Florida. That's not exactly meeting locavore requirements, but it didn't need a passport either. I hope you’ll forgive me! I can only explain my desire for the exotic by saying that small adventures are substituting for bigger ones these days.
But back to our Monster… this morning I passed over one of its companions because the skin wasn’t looking as smooth and unblemished as this one (using the usual principles for fruit buying). Well, it turns out that the less attractive bin mate was closer to being ripe. This is a work in progress. Just as in an earlier entry about Ugli Fruit, we are going to have to revisit this edible adventure when it’s ripe. In the mean time, the instructions wrapped around our monster (Creature from the Black Lagoon comes to mind, which was, by the way, one of the first movies to be released in 3D), tells me to keep it upright, stemside up in a glass, until the scales drop off by themselves. We are in this together! I’ll report back when Monstera Deliciocia transforms into a tasty tropical delicacy.
If it takes longer than 3 hours call 911!
ReplyDeleteOK (she says with trepidation). What do I tell them? My monster won't shed his scales and ripen? I'm sure they've heard wierder stuff (this is Gotham afterall). Will keep you posted!