Monday, June 21, 2010

Recipe for a Fly Trap

Who says you can catch more flies with honey? That may be true, but when it comes to the kitchen, you can catch more flies with vinegar. Let’s skip the flies and honey metaphor for now and attend to the practical.

This is what you really need to know. If, for some reason, you didn’t get to that peach before the more primitive (always up for debate) life forms found it, or you happened to be less than stellar regarding taking the garbage out in a timely fashion, and you find yourself in the company of teeny tiny flies (aka Fruit Flies), put about one inch of apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar in a jar or tall glass and add a squeeze or two of dish soap. Stir, don’t shake. You will soon start your very own dead fruit fly collection.

Before the infestation is too much for this simple remedy, take the garbage out and do a kitchen search for the origin of your pests. Then spring into action! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure…. A step in time saves nine… fruit flies are no fun.


  1. Hey Paula, Do you know what the dish soap is for? I always used a bit of wine in a small glass to attract the fruit flies, but I never heard of using dish soap as well. I'm curious what that does to the mix.

  2. Hi Patti,
    My guess is that the soap prevents flight. It's the same remedy used for aphids in the garden. Have to say this stuff works a charm. The first photo was beautiful amber liquid, artfully arranged. Then I came upstairs to write the blog. Oops! Memory card still in the camera downstairs... returned to this jar of pests! Took no time at all!
