Friday, February 12, 2010

Tea Notes: Peppermint

Few things are as satisfying and as easy to make as a cup of tea. Sure, there’s always the option of a nice pot and all the paraphernalia (where everything has to be just so), but simply putting a tea bag in a large cup and pouring hot water over a tidy little packet of leaves works too. I thought I would introduce you to Mint tea, which is an herbal tea, also known as a tisane.

Herbal teas have long been acknowledged to have beneficial properties. The mint family of teas has been used since the Middle Ages (and probably even before that) for helping to relieve stomachache and chest pains. Mint aids digestion and because of its inherent menthol properties is refreshing even without the knowledge of its many health benefits.

There are many types of mint tea and your local grocery store may have a couple of choices. You might even find a box of assorted tea bags, where you can get acquainted with a variety of teas, mint and otherwise.

In the summer, I’ll be making mint tea with fresh leaves from the garden. But not today… I’ll happily settle for the tidy little bag and some warmth indoors.

PS Remove tea bag after 3-5 minutes. Any longer, and the flavor may become harsh.

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