Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This is what I am traveling 3500 miles to eat. Well, not this precisely, but something in this food group (cake is a food group, isn’t it?).

I’m headed ‘over the pond’ (as in crossing the Atlantic) to visit my mother and Chef Cathy. If the pastry chef is no longer here, I suppose I'll have to go to the pastry chef!

There is a very special occasion coming up. A double birthday. One year (and discretion prevents me from stating dates), my mother gave herself the birthday present of a daughter. In other words, Cathy and Marj have the same birthday and it’s for this major family holiday that I am bound for Britain and Birthday Cake.

So… a brief 'cheerio' to New Kitchen Primer! I’ll be back in March- with time enough to start writing about what is going to be seasonal in Spring (which can’t get here soon enough).

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Marj and Cathy! Have fun on your visit Paula.
