Saturday, April 9, 2011

Aw Nuts!

Up to this point I have assiduously avoided (or attempted to avoid) blogging as a medium of personal exposé.  I’ve tried to make it ‘like me’ but not ‘about me’.  I don’t know if that’s possible or even if I’ve been successful (notice how many I’s there are already in this entry?).  There are so many blogs out there…. many of them food related.  And why not?  Food is the stuff of life and we all eat.  We have to!  Guaranteed that every one reading this has eaten something and recently.

So why blog?  Pardon this week’s moment of personal indulgence and public rumination.  My sister Cathy reminds me that New Kitchen Primer is something that I love to do.  It keeps me writing and requires that I shoot food (both things that I love).  Does it take time?  Yes!  Have I been learning along the way?  Undoubtedly.  Do I have readers?  Not a lot, but enough to know that someone is reading.

All that said, I really don’t want this to be simply my little moment of weekly self-indulgence.  Kitchen Primer started out as an attempt to help my daughter and her pals navigate their kitchens.  I wanted to offer basic advice that wasn’t patronizing and maintained a sense of fun.  I also wanted to take some of the fear out of the kitchen. 

I know that many of my current readers don’t have these issues with their kitchens.  This has given me pause and made me feel a little under-cooked in the purpose department.

So, this weekend, I am taking a break.  Chances are I’ll be back next week with something to share, but in the meantime, if any of you out there in the internet cosmos have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to make a comment or just call me nuts!


  1. Hey Paula -

    You have a ton of posts at this point, its work sorting through them!
    Your readers will be clamoring for an index soon.

    Didn't you write something about beans at some point? I want some ideas for black bean soup, like, how can I make black bean soup that tastes like Goya's? Or possibly even better?

    Red beans and rice also.

    Reader Jerry

  2. Hello Jerry,

    I've actually started an index just for myself! Give me a little time and I'll see if I can figure out how to get one on the blog page.

    Beans eh? The first of 3 entries regarding beans starts November 29, 2009. I really have been (no pun intended) at this a while!

    Will try to come up with a simple black bean soup. Thanks for the comment, it always feels good to get feed-back.

    Best, Paula

  3. Always use a clean pair of kitchen scissors to trim edges of bread. Much neater and less messy edges as compared to those trimmed with a knife.Used Kitchen Equipment
