Monday, January 24, 2011

Rice: White Away!

You can do this. I know you can! We’ll start with cooking long grain white because it takes the least amount of time and this way you will have no excuses (are you listening Gerald?).

As usual, get out your very best small to medium saucepan (not huge, the one in this photo is 6.5” across the top). We are going to start with something very simple, but don’t forget, making mistakes is the only way to knowledge (the harsh truth about learning anything), and we’re just talking rice! Rice may be the most ubiquitous foodstuff on the planet, but you can do this in the privacy of your own home and if you mess up, the worst possible outcome is having to give an extra scrub to your pan. Not terrible…. A trauma that is easy to recover from. Besides, that’s not going to happen! Trust me!

We’ll start with what I will call the Very Basic method. This is the way I first learned to cook rice, and if you don’t want to guess about quantity of water to rice, this is a good way to start.

Small saucepan
Measuring cup and teaspoon

Long grain white rice

  • Measure one cup of rice and set aside
  • Measure 2 cups of water into saucepan and place on heat
  • When the water is boiling add the cup of rice and one teaspoon of salt
  • Cover the pan tightly and reduce heat.
  • Simmer for 20-25 minutes.
  • At the end of this time the water should be absorbed and the rice tender.

This makes 4-6 servings. If you want more flavor, use chicken broth instead of water.

FYI: Leftover rice needs to be refrigerated. Left at room temperature for a few hours, it can grow harmful bacteria. Sushi rice is OK because it is coated with a rice vinegar/sugar mixture that retards this process. Likewise, acids such as other vinegars or lemon and lime juice do the trick.

Now go back into the archives for how to steam vegetables. You just cooked dinner!


  1. Rice.
    It's nice.
    Thanks for the advice.
    But do I need a spice,
    Or will the rice suffice?

    Kitchen Klutz

  2. Rice is sufficient,
    but I'm not omniscient.
    If you like spice,
    That sounds nice!

    Bon Appetito!

  3. Rice is wonderful! Once I learned the basic ratio of 2 parts liquid to one part rice, I could feed myself forever. I found that I could add chicken and cheese, chopped apples and nuts, or any chopped veges or fruit. I can use milk, broth or wine for the liquid. Saute some chopped onion in the same pot you are going to use to cook your rice in for a great start. Have fun,experiment and don't worry too much if you don't like the result: rice is relatively inexpensive. I always tyr to remember to make sure the heat is not too high, and the lid is cracked open a little when simmering, otherwise I risk a boil over and that can be a bit messy and not too fun to clean up!

  4. Hello Patrick,

    A new commentor! Thanks for adding to the mix. I've been in away and your posting reminded me that it's time to get back to work! Sounds like you are a very adventurous cook.

    Thanks again, Paula

  5. I used to love to cook, but now I like to eat! So anything to make it easier and I'm all for it. Learn the basics and then find the shortcuts. Easy as pie - which, unfortunately, I have yet to master!

  6. Pie is tough! My mother used to lament that "she can't even bake a pie". I do attempt one on occasion, great thing about food, you can usually eat your mistakes!

    Thanks for writing Patrick, I'm back after many real life distractions and looking forward to more posts.

    Best, Paula
